0721233394 or 0208034403


Mogira Road,Off Park Road and Ring Road Ngara


The Dean of Students' Office provides a link between the Students and the Administration.


The Students hold Elections at the departmental level where they elect 3 Students per department. There are a total of 28 departmental representatives. The Executive SGC comprises of 9 members. The Student Leaders hold meetings with their fellow Students where a feedback on service delivery is given.


This particular duty provides the students with the necessary support while undertaking their studies.
This includes:

  • Providing information on the conduct of students
  • Providing information on mobilizing financial support
  • Supporting students during difficult times through class representatives’ such as  in sickness and bereavement.

Note: To enable the Office help students, it is important for them to internalize the Institutions’ Rule and Regulations and Academic Policy in order for them to make the best use of their opportunity in the Institute.


The Guidance and Counseling programs are vital in providing psycho- social support to the students as they pursue their academic goals, as well as to the staff.
Each academic department is served by departmental counselor who provide all the necessary information and support to the students and staff who may experience any challenges. Counseling services are available during all working hours, and the students are encouraged to consult the departmental counselors when in need.

We are committed to ensure both our students and staff continually receive guidance and sensitization on the prevention of HIV infections, management of Alcohol and Drug abuse as well as management of Covid 19.


The Dean’s Office has seen large improvement in the recruitment and activity of students in clubs and societies over the past three (3) years. The Institute has a total of six clubs and societies while others have been proposed. The Dean’s Office has allowed local and International organization to interact, train and nurture students from the Institute.

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